The Regents of the University of California, for the benefit of its Santa Barbara Campus, is seeking a developer to develop, construct, own, and manage an apartment housing development for rental to UCSB's family students, staff and faculty on University-owned land.
Posted 2/06/2009
You may download the Request for Qualifications for instructions and details, however, you must download and return two (2) completed and signed copies of the "Statment of Qualifications Form" along with your proposal in order to be considered.
Posted 2/18/2009
Exhibit documents referenced in the RFQ are available at:
<a href=""></a>
Respondants are advised to check this website for any supplemental materials and updates which will be posted to the website.
Posted 2/18/2009
The AutoCAD files of the Penfield & Smith Civil Plans, including Grading and Drainage, Utilities and Topography are posted and added to Exhibit 7A. These drawings are consistent with the plans approved by the Coastal Commission.
Posted 3/12/2009