Only bidders who participate in both the Conference and the Job Walk in their entirety will be allowed to bid on the Project as prime contractors. Contractors who will perform Mechanical, Electrical, or Plumbing (MEP) portions of the Work as Subcontractor under the prime contractor must also participate in both the Conference and the Job Walk in their entirety.
Posted 1/12/2010
BIDDER and SUBCONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS: Any Bidder whose Bid lists a Subcontractor for the Mechanical, Electrical or Plumbing portions of the Work (MEP) must list a Subcontractor who attended the Conference and the Job Walk in it’s entirety. Any Bidder whose Bid lists a Subcontractor for Mechanical, Electrical, or Plumbing portions of the Work and the Subcontractor did not attend the conference, will be considered as not qualified and Bid will be rejected as non-responsive.
Posted 1/12/2010
Per Addendum One: Bid Opening Date changed to Thursday, February 11, 2010 @ 2:30PM
Posted 2/04/2010