The successful CM/General Contractor, Rudolph and Sletten, Inc., will initially perform Phase 1 (pre-construction) services to include the prequalification of selected subtrades and the development, advertising, competitive bidding and award of subcontractor bid packages. Phase 1 services are expected to run through mid-August 2014, and the various subcontractor trade packages will be bid out by Rudolph and Sletten on or about that time. After Phase 1 services are complete the University may, at its discretion, exercise Phase 2 (construction) services.
Subcontractors interested in participating in Phase 2 (construction) services for the project should access the Rudolph and Sletten project site at:
The current advertisement for subtrade bids can be found here:
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Rudolph and Sletten representative, Marissa Lidyoff, via electronic mail at or (949) 223-6827.
The Bid Summary for the various subtrade packages will be posted below, after receipt and evaluation of each bid to determine responsiveness.
Posted 5/19/2014