General information regarding the project site and building configuration is available by clicking the "ESSB General Project Information" link below.
Posted 9/20/2006
In order to bid on this project it is MANDATORY for General Contractors to either attend the Pre-Bid Conference or view the Pre-Bid conference Multi-Media Presentation. The time period to view and/or attend the Pre-Bid Conference has elapsed.
Posted 10/03/2006
Per Addendum One, Bid Opening Date Changed to 12/07/06 at 2:30PM.
Posted 11/13/2006
Bids have been opened and are being reviewed by the University. The University determined the low Bidder on the basis of the sum of the Lump Sum Bid plus all Unit Prices multiplied by their respective Estimated Quantities as stated in the Bid Form, plus the daily rate for Compensable Delay multiplied by the "multiplier" as stated in the Bid Form.
Posted 12/07/2006